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At Zavalla Elementary we aim to assist in library access as much as possible. We hope to give everyone equal amounts of opportunity regardless of age, social status, or ability. 

With this in mind, our school leaders designed our library to do just this. When someone walks in the library for the first time they will notice the wide open spaces, this is to accommodate all of those who may need wheelchair accessibility. We want everyone to be able to enjoy our library to the fullest.

Also, our book displays are placed at varying heights, this way even the smallest of our patrons can reach the book they are wanting. In our primary section there are specialized bookcases that show off the covers of the books, instead of just the spine, for those readers who are still not confident in reading the title. This allows them to see the cover and get an idea of what the book is about. 

We also house materials for those that are hearing or visually impaired. We have many audio books that maybe checked out for enjoyment. We are also in the process of ordering a few braille books for those that are visually impaired.

As stated earlier, everyone deserves access to library materials. It is our mission at Zavalla Elementary to give everyone this opportunity.

The following sites are just a few of the many resources that assist with accessibility...

Zavalla Elementary Library

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